Fuel Services
Our Mission is to provide quality and cost-effective services and products to support the operation of the other City departments in the areas of fuel procurement/distribution, alternative fuel infrastructure, fuel site maintenance/repair and environmental compliance.
Environmental Compliance Unit
The Environmental Compliance Unit (ECU) functions as the Department’s primary liaison in environmental matters to local, State and Federal regulatory agencies such as the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), the California Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC), and the LA County Fire Department CUPA; represents the Department before the SCAQMD Hearing Board and attends meetings on the Department’s behalf; provides research, interprets new regulations and prepares environmental reports as mandated by governmental agencies; responds to requests for information in the settlement of Superfund lawsuits and resolves Notices to Comply/Violation compliance issues; conducts site inspections to determine environmental problem areas and recommends corrective action; processes permit applications, renewals and amendments for underground storage tanks, generators, and other equipment in accordance with SCAQMD requirements and assists other departments in securing air quality permits associated with bond fund projects; maintains the Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest Tracking System and all EPA Identification Numbers issued to the Department; processes annual payments for air quality permits, taxes, and hazardous waste generator fees; represents the Department at Stormwater Public Agency Committee Meetings and coordinates Stormwater pollution prevention and hazardous waste management training.
Petroleum Products
The Petroleum Products Unit (PPU) awards citywide contracts for fuel (e.g., low-sulfur diesel, unleaded gasoline, aviation fuel, CNG, LNG and propane) and other related petroleum products (e.g., oil and lubricants); manages the fuel ordering and payment processes for most City departments and for Fire and Police Air Support operations; administers the City’s fuel credit card (Voyager) program; and, is implementing a fuel automation system to centrally track fuel levels, fuel site alarms and fuel consumption per vehicle.
Alternative Fuels unit
The Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Unit (AFIU) is tasked with providing the necessary infrastructure to support implementation of the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (SCAQMD’s) fleet rules. The SCAQMD’s fleet rules generally mandate the conversion of heavy-duty diesel vehicles to alternative fuels, such as Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). To date, the AFIU has overseen the development and operation of four LNG fueling facilities (including East Valley, presently the nation’s largest such facility) with a fifth LNG fueling facility in development and due to be operational in the fall of 2009. Four of these LNG facilities have, or will have, the ability to also dispense CNG from LNG, or “LCNG”. In addition, the AFIU has overseen the upgrade and retrofit of six maintenance shops in order to comply with regulations governing the repair of alternative fuel vehicles. The AFIU has more than a dozen additional alternative fuel projects either planned or in various stages of development in order to support the City’s growing fleet of clean-burning alternative fuel vehicles.
Fuel Site Maintenance
The Fuel Site Maintenance Unit (FMU) Unit is responsible for the maintenance of approximately 140 City fueling sites. The FMU responds to fuel site alarms (e.g., breach of the primary fuel containment system); makes urgent repairs to City fuel sites to keep them operational; conducts routine maintenance at City fuel sites (e.g., replaces fuel filters, checks alarm responses and repairs fuel pumps and nozzles); and, coordinates mandated inspections of fuel dispensers and containment systems (e.g., Tank Integrity Testing, Fuel Product Line Testing, Vapor Recovery Testing, Line Leak Detector Testing, Vapor Recovery Testing and Leak Monitor Certifications) in accordance with local and State environmental laws.
Contact Us
Function | Phone No. (213) |
General Line | 978-3715 |
Petroleum Products and Fuel Automation | 978-3718 |
Fuel Site Maintenance | 978-3717 |
Environmental Compliance | 978-3786 or -3798 |