Publishing Services
Publishing Services Division provides the highest quality publishing services to all City Departments, at the lowest cost possible, while maintaining our commitment to customer service.
Publishing Services Division provides complete printing, duplicating, and bindery services for all City departments. Printed products include brochures, posters, signs, banners, wide format, CNC cutouts of various substrates, books, booklets, business cards, stationery and single or multiuse forms. Duplicating services include one or two sided duplicating in color or black and white, collating, stapling and document scanning. Bindery services include cutting, perforating, drilling, padding, folding, envelope inserting, binding and stitching. Work is fulfilled out of the Piper Tech in-plant and our satellite duplication center located at the L.A. Mall.
Publishing Services variable print and print-to-mail services supports City departments in meeting legally mandated time sensitive mailing for business tax collections, housing certificates, permits, residential notifications and elections materials. Publishing is also responsible for the citywide copier program, managing approximately 1,500 copiers leased throughout the City.
All of the services performed by Publishing Services are provided through a not-for-profit operation and are therefore billed at cost, resulting in substantial savings to the City when compared to an outside vendor.
Getting Started
Publishing services are ordered on a Stores Multi-Use Form (SMUF), Form GS/MM 1. This form provides the authority necessary to charge your department for our services. It is also the number we use to track your job throughout the manufacturing process so please keep a copy of your order. SMUFs are available on-line in the City’s forms repository or by ordering through the forms warehouse.
We strongly encourage our customers to contact us before starting your publishing projects to plan your job. We do not charge for this service and we are confident that a little time spent planning your job will increase your overall satisfaction with the project.
Order Printing Online
Online orders are accepted via email by submitting a completed SMUF and attaching your print ready files. We will contact you with any questions and send you a proof for your approval prior to printing your job.
Please send your requests to:
Ron Gallegos at Ron.Gallegos@lacity.org
Dan Hurst at Daniel.Hurst@lacity.org
Abby Truong at Abby.Truong@lacity.org
Marie Saraos at Marie.Saraos@lacity.org
Any questions can be referred to any of the above individuals by contacting Publishing Services at (213) 473-8400.
***** COMING SOON ******
Publishing Services will soon be launching a new online ordering service that will facilitate placing job orders. You will be able to upload files and see a proof of your completed job online. Estimates for your request will also be available.
Requesting Quotation Online
Requests for quotations can be provided by emailing the individuals below. Please include as much information as possible. We will contact you with any questions and provide a return email with our estimate.
Please send your requests to:
Ron Gallegos at Ron.Gallegos@lacity.org
Dan Hurst at Daniel.Hurst@lacity.org
Abby Truong at Abby.Truong@lacity.org
Marie Saraos at Marie.Saraos@lacity.org
You may also contact any of the individuals for an estimate at (213) 473-8400.
Ordering Business Cards
Business card orders are requested by submitting a completed SMUF along with the information for the individual for the card. A copy of an existing city business card edited with the new data should be included. We can provide a sample layout if one is not available.
A proof of the new business card will be sent back for your approval prior to printing.
Please send your requests to:
Abby Truong at Abby.Truong@lacity.org
Marie Saraos at Marie.Saraos@lacity.org
Citywide Copier Program
Publishing Services has been charged with the responsibility of managing the City’s copier program. The City leases approximately 1,600 copiers citywide. Although copier costs in an individual department may seem inconsequential, when you consider the numbers of copiers we lease, excess copy charges, and the employee time to make copies the total cost can be staggering.
Our goal is to reduce costs and, in order to do that, we try to reduce the size and number of machines leased by the City. When a department requests a copier, we will ask you questions involving current workloads, the type of work to be copied, and any extenuating circumstances such as public service counters, public safety issues, or emergency operations.
We strongly encourage our customers to send their work to Publishing Services where you will enjoy superior quality, lower overall costs, and finishing options not available in your office. We offer pick-up and delivery service, electronic job submission, and turnaround times to meet your needs. These options make it an easy choice for saving your department money, while providing a superior product and freeing staff to perform their core functions.
The City’s current contract vendor is Konica Minolta. If you have any questions regarding the services provided please contact us at (213) 473-8400.
Variable Print and Mass Mailings
Variable print is typically used in conjunction with print-to-mail. The most common application is using an address block that, when printed and folded, will appear in a window envelope. This eliminates the need for addressing individual envelopes. In addition, we are able to produce correspondence such as invoices, permits and account statements with data provided from your spreadsheets.
For mass mailings, Publishing, works closely with Mail Services to take advantage of any postal discounts available. We send your mailing list to Mail Services who then pre-sorts the list and provides USPS tray labels. We then print, fold, and insert into envelopes the pieces in order of the presorted zip code order. The finished job is stacked in trays delivered to the Post Office.
We can also print on postcards or self-mailers to eliminate the cost of envelopes and give you the added benefit of printing on the outside to gain the attention of your audience or print and tab to allow printed pieces to conform to USPS regulations. Please remember that all pieces designed to be mailed need to be approved by Mail Services before printing. As with all your publishing needs, pre-planning with Publishing Services and Mail Services will help ensure the success of your print project.
Contact Us
Director – Gerald St.Onge, gerald.stonge@lacity.org (213) 473-8401
Superintendent – Ron Gallegos, ron.gallegos@lacity.org (213) 473-8418
Production and Estimating – Dan Hurst, daniel.hurst@lacity.org (213) 473-8422
Office Manager – Amy Lloyd, amelia.lloyd@lacity.org (213) 473-8400
Customer Support – Abby Truong, abby.truong@lacity.org (213) 473-8400
Customer Support – Marie Saraos, marie.saraos@lacity.org (213) 473-8400