The Salvage Warehouse is located in the basement at Piper Tech. This section receives a diverse allotment of items ranging from vehicles, tires, copper wiring, metal scraps, office furniture and other supplies from various City departments. These items are then recycled, disposed of, or put up for auction.
RFS -Request for Sale/Reuse Instructions
When delivering items to the Salvage Section, please complete the RFS – Request for Sale/Reuse Form.
*Special Instructions*
– RFS Number: = Issue an RFS number based on your Mail Stop and Date (ex:713-101219 ) or your own internal filing system(ex: 713-0001).
– Transfer Ownership: = If items are to be reused by other City Departments: Complete the first part of the “Transfer Ownership” field only.
– Credit Sale Proceeds Section: = If items are to be sold: Complete the Credit Sale Proceeds section by selecting either the Dept. or GSD General Funds box and complete the funding information, if necessary. Check the “To the Purchasing Agent” box.
– Requestor/ Supervisor: = Enter the Requestor and Supervisor’s name and obtain their signatures. Deliveries will not be accepted without proper signatures.
– Salvage Division: = Salvage will sign-off upon receipt and issue a copy for your records.
Electronic Waste Salvage Certification
Must be completed if the items being sent to Salvage include computers, cell phones, printers, PDAs or any equipment or devices used to store information.
** RFS Forms and E-Waste Forms MUST be reviewed and approved by Salvage Personnel before delivery.**
California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV):
Application for Replacement Plates Link: (In Construction)
Complete this form if a City vehicle has lost or is missing a license plate(s).
Once completed, it can be forwarded, either by email, fax or gray-mail, to Salvage for processing. If fees are applicable, you will be contacted.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where are you located?
We are located in the basement of the Piper Tech Center, 555 Ramirez St. Los Angeles, CA 90012.
How can I buy a used City vehicle or equipment?
All City vehicles and surplus equipment are sold at public auction. We currently hold auctions with Ken Porter Auctions in Riverside. The only way to obtain an item is to be the high bidder at the public auction. For further details on the procedure, please contact Ken Porter Auctions at (310) 353-7140, www.kenporterauctions.com
What types of items does the City sell at auction?
Various cars, trucks and equipment from all Departments are sold, as well as pallets of miscellaneous material.
Where and when do the auctions take place?
At Ken Porter Auctions, the third Saturday of each month. 4510 Muth Way , Riverside CA 92509.
What can I send to Salvage?
ALMOST anything, but primarily:
- Desks
- Chairs
- File cabinets
- Book shelves
- Lockers
- PCs, monitors, printers, telephones, other misc. electronics.*
*These items ARE NOT available to re-issue and must meet E-Waste criteria.
Please call us first, before transporting, to confirm that we handle the material you’re interested in discarding and to schedule an appropriate date and time.
Also, check CitiMAX for a list of reusable furniture, supplies, materials and equipment among City departments.
How do I send something to Salvage?
See our Procedures page for detailed instructions.
Do you pick-up?
No. If you can’t transport, contact City movers Noel Cabrera at (213) 978-7694 or email gsd.movingsvs@lacity.org.
Can I come by and pick up some used office furniture?
Generally, yes, but please call first, so that your visit doesn’t conflict with a large delivery or pick-up. Also, don’t forget to check-in with staff upon arrival. Also, check CitiMAX for a list of reusable furniture, supplies, materials and equipment among City Departments.
What do you have available right now?
Because of constantly changing inventory, we are unable to provide a current list of material available. You can also check out CitiMAX for a list of items available from all City Departments.
What is CitiMAX?
CitiMax is a free service designed to help City employees either find or list reusable furniture, supplies, materials and equipment. Its goal is to increase reuse among City departments by facilitating information on Available and Wanted materials.
Can I put a hold on something to pick-up at a later date?
Yes. A hold tag is good for up to 10 days. The tag will be removed if not picked up within 10 days and once again become available to other City users.
Can I pick-up a used computer (or printer, or monitor or telephone) for my office?
No. Because of security concerns and special funding, those items are only available through your IT (Information Technology) group.
Do you have a Salvage form?
Yes. See our Forms page for the RFS form.
** RFS Forms and E-Waste Forms MUST be reviewed and approved by Salvage Personnel before delivery.**
What items are placed on Public Surplus to bid on?
Items that are open to bid by lot are used tires, police vehicle seats and sometimes
misc. items.
Can the City donate some equipment to my charity?
The only way that you can obtain a donated item (furniture, vehicles, computers, printers, cell phones, etc.) is through a Council Motion. Contact your local Council person for more information. Regarding computer parts: once an E-waste item reaches Salvage Services, it is considered a Universal Waste and it cannot be donated per City Ordinance.
I need new license plates &/or the registration for a vehicle, can you help me with that?
Yes. Simply fill out the Request for Replacement Plates form and submit it to us. If DMV charges any fees, you will be contacted for reimbursement. For further details, see our Forms page.
Do you pick-up &/or deliver?
No. If you cannot transport within your department, contact GSD Moving Services: gsd.movingsvs@lacity.org or (213) 978-7694).
Procedures for City Employees
How to send items TO the Salvage Warehouse
1. Sender MUST list all usable items on CitiMAX; retain a copy of the printout of the listing; highlight the date the listing was entered; and retain this printout which may be requested by Salvage personnel upon receipt of items delivered to Salvage.
2. Sender should fill out the RFS form prior to sending any items to Salvage.
** RFS Forms and E-Waste Forms MUST be reviewed and approved by Salvage Personnel before delivery.**
3. Sender will contact Salvage in advance to inform Salvage personnel of the date items are scheduled to be sent or delivered.
4. If any items are considered Electronic Waste (E-Waste), please fill out the E-Waste Salvage Certification Form.
5. Sender shall deliver items to Salvage or contact the City movers (Noel Cabrera (213) 978-7694, fax: (213) 978-7689) and have the movers transport the items to Salvage.
How to obtain items FROM the Salvage Warehouse
1. City Personnel who would like to obtain item(s) from the Salvage Warehouse MUST first report to the Salvage office when entering the warehouse.
2. Salvage personnel will direct them to where items are located in the warehouse such as file cabinets, desk, lockers, chairs etc.
Electronics such as computers, monitors, printers, fax machines, etc., cannot be reissued.
- Ladders, helmets, signs, light bars cannot be reissued.
3. When the requester finds an item(s) they would like to reuse, they need to complete the RFS form in the Salvage office.
4. Once the form is completed, you can transport the item(s), or Salvage Personnel will tag them for future pickup.
- The hold tag is good for up to (10) days, within which time the requester can make arraignments to have the items picked up by city movers or their own staff. The hold tag will be removed if not picked up within 10 working days and once again become available to other City users.
Procedures for sending E-WASTE to SALVAGE
1. Identify E-waste items and separate them from other items, such as furniture. Only E-waste items should appear on a Request for Sale/Reuse form, do not mix other items, such as furniture or non-electronic equipment.
2. Separate unusable E-waste items (computers, cellular devices, TVs, other electronics, and accessories) and complete an Electronic Waste Salvage Certification Form and a Request for Sale/Reuse form. Note on both forms that the items are “unusable” or “broken,” etc.; please specify which.
3. List all usable E-waste items on CitiMAX; retain a copy of the printout of the listing; and highlight the date the listing was entered. CitiMAX can be found on the Intranet at InsideLA/City Services/CitiMax. Then select “click here to create a listing.”
The listing will look like the following:
Desktop PC’s (Available) 09/15/06
I have 1 Gateway E3400 and 1 Dell Optiplex GX1 both have 512 MB RAM and they are PIII’s.
Anthony Ozogu, 213-978-1260
200 N Spring Street, Los Angeles
Quantity: 2 Listing ID: 2851
If a successful exchange was made on this item, please click here (Successful Exchange Form)
4. After the items have been listed in CitiMAX for 30 days and no department requests them, the items may be sent to Salvage. Complete the Electronic Waste Salvage Certification Form and a Request for Sale/Reuse form and attach the CitiMAX listing as instructed. Items may be brought to Salvage 30 days after the CitiMAX start date. In the example above, the start date is 9/15/06.
** RFS Forms and E-Waste Forms MUST be reviewed and approved by Salvage Personnel before delivery.**
5. Departments bringing more than 10 computer units (a computer unit includes: monitor, CPU, keyboard, mouse, & related cords) to Salvage at a time are instructed to send the items on pallets. Place all like items (such as CPUs, CRTs, etc.) together. (Place cellular devices together in boxes or heavy-duty bags; and keep all other accessories together in boxes or heavy-duty bags).
6. Make arrangements for your department to transport the E-waste items to Salvage, or contact Moving Services (213) 978-7694.
7. All of the required documentation is needed for Moving Services or Salvage Services to accept E-waste. Neither Salvage nor the movers will be able to accept E-waste without the proper paperwork and authorizing signatures.
City Movers (213) 978-7694
Salvage Services (213) 473-8200
E-waste questions (213)978-8750 or your MIS/ITA Systems Analysts
Procedures for LAPD Officers
If you are a Retiring LAPD Officer, you are entitled to purchase your handgun.
1. Obtain a completed Weapon Certificate from your Personnel Division’s Commanding Officer.
2. Call the Salvage Section (213-473-8200) to make an appointment.
3. Pay for the item in cash (exact change only)
Contact Us
Contact Info:
Our General Office number is (213) 473-8200
Business Hours
M-Th, 7:00 a.m. — 3:00 p.m.
Friday 7:00 a.m. — 2:00 p.m.
Principal Storekeeper
Jeff Mowrey
Warehouse Operations
Senior Storekeeper
DJ Jackson
Olga Ramirez
Joshua Farfan
Office Email
Office Fax Machine
Piper Tech Center
555 E. Ramirez St., Space B-10
Mail Stop: 713
Los Angeles, CA 90012