Building Maintenance
Building Maintenance is committed to providing quality maintenance, repair, and operations to City buildings with a commitment to ensuring safe, reliable, and sustainable facilities for residents, businesses, visitors and employees of the City of Los Angeles.
Building Maintenance provides services for many, but not all City facilities. You can contact the Building Maintenance Work Control Center if you have questions about a specific facility or would like to find out if maintenance services are provided at a specific location.
Work requests are submitted using the GSD Ready Request Portal.
Contact Us
111 E. First St, CHS Room 512
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Fax# (213) 978-7697
Director of Building Maintenance
Paul Merritt
(213) 978-7227
North District
14832 Raymer Street Building F, Van Nuys
Mail Stop 512
(818) 779-7400
South District
3330 West 36th Street, LA
Mail Stop 513
(213) 485-5849
Civic Center District
City Hall East, Room P324
Mail Stop 509
(213) 978-3150, 978-3151
Central District/City Wide Services
555 Ramirez Street, LA
Mail Stop 511, Space 150-M
(213) 473-8550, 473-8551, or 473-8556
Building Repairs
After 2:30 PM M-F, Weekends, Holidays (213) 978-3246