Management Information Services
To develop, maintain, and support the information technology systems, both data and telecommunications, necessary to meet the operational and management information requirements of the department, its divisions and units, thereby reducing information processing costs, providing timely operational information and improving communication within the department.
The Department of General Services Management Information Services Division (MIS) supports approximately 900 networked personal computers and their users, dispersed across the City of Los Angeles at 175 different geographical sites. General Services’ network is driven by 27 file servers located at City Hall South and Piper Technical Center, and 5 more at remote sites. MIS supports a wide variety of internally developed and off the shelf applications running on several different operating systems, web-based and Cloud-based applications. MIS staff also maintains an equipment inventory and provides other computer- and non-desktop computer related communications support including cellular phones, laptops, and tablets. Current technologies that are supported including desktop and server virtualization, mobile device management, Internet of Things, and cloud computing.
Contact Us
Director | 213-922-8598 |
Assistant Director | 213-922-8587 |
Building Maintenance | 213-922-8589 |
Fleet Services | 213-922-8599 |
Fuel Services | 213-922-8591 |
Network Admin/Password | 213-922-8588 |
MIS Help Desk | 213-922-8588 gsd-helpdesk@lacity.org |