Real Estate Services

The mission of the Real Estate Services Division (RES) is to provide the Mayor, Council, elected officials, and City departments with a high level of customer service in real estate strategic advice and transactions involving City owned and leased property. This includes expert execution of appraisals, title reports, sales and acquisition projects, leases, property management, space planning and real property research and analysis.


The Leasing Unit manages lease transactions in support of elected officials and Council controlled City departments. This includes the negotiation, execution and ongoing management of three separate lease portfolios:

  • Payable – primarily office space for City employees in privately owned buildings
  • Receivable – retail locations in City owned buildings, communication sites
  • Non-Profit – decommissioned City owned buildings or space within City owned buildings leased to non-profits providing community services

For City owned retail sites, we issue Request for Proposals through the City’s Business Virtual Network. Register your company at and you will be notified the next time an RFP is issued.

For information, call 213-922-8500 and ask for a Real Estate Officer in the Leasing Unit.

Sales and Acquisitions
The Sales and Acquisition Unit provides real estate transactional support to elected officials and Council-controlled City departments for the acquisition and sale of property under GSD’s jurisdiction that is required for City purposes. These include:

  • Title research
  • Class C and Class A appraisals
  • Purchase and sale transactions
  • Auctions of City owned property

Click here to register for the next real estate surplus property auction.

View and download the User’s Guide to Sale or Development of City Property

For information, call 213-922-8500 and ask for a Real Estate Officer in the Sales and Acquisition Unit.

Tenant Services
The Tenant Services Section provides support and services for Council controlled departments and elected officials for new space, relocations and space configuration projects. In coordination with the CAO Municipal Facilities Group, projects approved and funded through the Municipal Facilities Committee and Council are then managed by the Tenant Services team to ensure the project adheres to schedule and budget for a smooth transition for the client department.

For information, call 213-922-8500 and ask to speak to a Tenant Services representative.

The Moving Services Section handles small, incidental moves within or between City departments and facilities Citywide. These include:

  • Relocation of office furniture and miscellaneous items.
  • Transport of unwanted office furniture, computers, printers and other items to City Salvage.
  • Transport of City record retention boxes for destruction or retention
  • Transport of items from City Salvage to City facilities for use by departments.

To initiate a request, click on the Moving Services Request Form  and follow the instructions. Requests should be made three-five days in advance.

GSD Moving Services also coordinates large scope moves. To schedule an assessment, please e-mail the Move Coordinator at to initiate this process.

GSD Moving Services provides special-event set-ups within the Los Angeles Civic Center. These requests are coordinated through the GSD Special Events Unit at 213-928-9579.

For information, call 213-978-7694 or email at

Nuisance Abatement
The Real Estate Services Division conducts Nuisance Abatement activities on the following types of properties:

  • Decommissioned and vacant City owned buildings
  • Vacant City owned land

Nuisance abatement services are restricted by funding to boarding, fencing, weed abatement, trash removal, homeless encampment clean-up and graffiti removal.

To report an issue with a City owned vacant property, call 213-922-8500 and ask for the Nuisance Abatement Coordinator.

Asset Management System
The Asset Management System (AMS) provides an integrated solution to manage the City’s multi-million dollar owned and leased portfolio.

The AMS is comprised of several modules, including property, leasing, building operations and maintenance and space. It also leverages mobile devices for GSD’s building maintenance technicians in the field to receive and respond to work orders in real time, eliminating the need for paper work orders and timecards.

The AMS includes the GSD Service Portal, which can be accessed at  This web-based tool is available to City employees and can be used to request maintenance and repair work at GSD maintained City facilities.  The public can also use the GSD Service Portal to obtain information on surplus City property; request to use certain City locations for a community rally; and for the filming industry to request filming at City facilities.

For information, call 213-922-8500 and ask for the AMS Unit or email the Unit directly at


GSD’s Real Estate Services Division Leasing Unit provides leasing transactional support to Council controlled City departments and elected officials. The team manages three separate portfolios of leases:

  • Payable – primarily office space for City employees
  • Non Profit – decommissioned City owned buildings or offices in City owned buildings leased to non-profits that provide services to the community
  • Receivable – retail locations in City owned buildings, communication sites

Payable Lease Requests
If your department believes it requires additional space, please send a request to the Municipal Facilities Committee at the CAO with a copy to the General Manager of GSD outlining the details such as number of employees, departmental function, parking requirements, funding source, location of preferred lease and justification. As the request is analyzed, every attempt will be made to identify City owned space for this need. If it is determined that leasing is necessary, the project will be assigned to a Real Estate Officer within the unit.

All leases require Council approval.  Once the lease is negotiated, a report is developed by GSD and processed through the Municipal Facilities Committee, Council Committee, City Council and Mayor for approval. The Real Estate Office then works with the City Attorney for development of the lease.

Non-Profit Leases
All non-profit leases are initiated by Council Motion. If a request is made by a non-profit for office space within a City owned building, vacant land or a decommissioned building, the non-profit is directed to the Council Office in the district the property is located. The Council Office determines if they will initiate a motion directing GSD to negotiate and execute a lease.

Non-profits must have current IRS status, sufficient resources to fully maintain the property and be willing to abide by the City’s ordinance and insurance requirements. A Community Benefit Analysis will be conducted to evaluate the services provided.  All non-profit leases must be approved by the City Council and follow the same process as payable lease requests.

Receivable Lease Requests
The majority of receivable lease requests are for retail locations within City owned buildings. GSD issues a Request for Proposal through the City’s Business Virtual Network. If you are interested in leasing these spaces, respond to the RFP.  Click here to register on RAMPLA for any future opportunities. All receivable leases must be approved by the City Council and follow the same process as payable lease requests.

Click on the link for current leasing opportunities: Retail Spaces at the Los Angeles Mall

Contact Information
Call 213-922-8500 and ask for a Real Estate Officer in the Leasing Unit

Sales and Acquisitions

The Sales and Acquisition Unit provides real estate transactional support to elected officials and Council-controlled City departments for the acquisition and sale of property under GSD’s jurisdiction that is required for City purposes. These include:

  • Title research
  • Class C and Class A appraisals
  • Auctions of City owned property
  • Purchase and sale transactions

To request a Title Report, Class C or Class A Appraisal or to initiate the sale/acquisition of property for City purposes, please send an interdepartmental memo from an authorized representative in your organization to GSD’s Director of Real Estate Services at Mail Stop 706.

GSD does not handle real estate functions for the Department of Water & Power, Los Angeles World Airports, or the Harbor Department. Please contact representatives in those departments for inquiries regarding their property.

City Owned Property List
The division maintains a list of all City owned property organized into two categories:

  • Declared Surplus Property: Properties declared “surplus” by the Mayor and Council and available for sale.
  • Undeclared Surplus Property: Properties not yet available for sale.

Please click on the links below for Surplus Property Lists.

Surplus Properties – declared (PDF)

Surplus Properties – undeclared (PDF)

Sale or Development of City Property
The City periodically declares property it owns as “surplus” and conducts a general public auction to solicit buyers. In some cases the City may decide to make a “direct sale” of City property for the public benefit. The City may also solicit proposals to sell and develop City property to meet a specific City priority such as creation of affordable housing.

See the attached User’s Guide to Sale or Development of City Property for further details.
User’s Guide to Sale or Development of City Property (PDF)

Surplus Auctions
Check the Surplus Property Auction link on our Real Estate Services page for information on the next auction

Click here to register for notification of upcoming auctions.

Contact Information
Call (213) 922-8500 and ask for a Real Estate Officer in the Sales and Acquisition Unit.

Surplus Property Auction

The next auction date has not been set.
Tentative – Fall 2019

CLICK HERE to subscribe to the Auction Notification List

Recently Auctioned Properties

Tenant Services

The Tenant Services Section provides support and services for Council controlled departments and elected officials for new space, relocations and space reconfiguration projects. In coordination with the CAO Municipal Facilities Group, projects approved and funded through the Municipal Facilities Committee and Council are then managed by the Tenant Services team to ensure the project adheres to schedule and budget for a smooth transition for the client department.

Tenant Services Section coordinates with the client department or office and performs the following duties:

  • Identifies City owned or leased space
  • Develops and oversees budget and any contracts needed for project
  • Oversees project timelines and milestones
  • Coordinates with architect, contractors and landlord for tenant improvements, as applicable
  • Reviews space programs, space/floor plans and ensures it meets tenant requirements within project parameters and City policies including City space standards and space optimization goals
  • Works with the furniture vendor for furniture purchase or reconfiguration
  • Coordinates with City’s Information Technology Agency and contractors for communication services work
  • Plans and oversees relocation with City or contracted moving services
cubicle office space


All requests for space begin with a memo to:

City Administrative Officer
      Attention: Chief of Municipal Facilities Group
cc: General Manager, General Services Department
      Attention: Director of Real Estate Services Division

The following items must be included in the initial request for space:

  • Name of division within your department requesting space.
  • Number of employees involved and their classifications.
  • Reason for request.
  • Where the employees are located now or if space is needed for positions authorized in budget.
  • Any other background about request that would assist staff (e.g. to comply with new ordinance to provide service in certain regions of City).
  • Timeline that needs to be met.
  • Describe any available space at the existing work site that could potentially be converted.
  • Special requirements with details, (e.g. types of workstations, meeting rooms, public counter, storage/file rooms, work areas, etc.) You may be asked to complete a programming questionnaire.
  • Available Department funds and funding source.
  • Contact person and phone number.
  • Must be signed by General Manager/Bureau Director or his/her designee.

All space assignments go to the Municipal Facilities Committee (MFC) for review and approval. Tenant Services will work with your department/bureau to develop the report. If the request involves a lease or tenant improvement contract, the MFC report will be transmitted to City Council for review and approval.

Contact Information

Call (213) 922-8500 and ask to speak to a Tenant Services representative.

Moving Services

The Moving Services Section handles small, incidental moves within or between City departments and facilities Citywide.

These include:

  • Relocation of office furniture and miscellaneous items.
  • Transport of unwanted office furniture, computers, printers and other items to City Salvage.
  • Transport of City record retention boxes for destruction or retention
  • Transport of items from City Salvage to City facilities for use by departments.

To initiate a request, click on the Moving Services Request Form and follow the instructions. Requests should be made three-five days in advance.

GSD Moving Services also coordinates large scope moves. To schedule an assessment, please e-mail the Move Coordinator at to initiate this process.

GSD Moving Services provides special-event set-ups within the Los Angeles Civic Center. These requests are coordinated through the GSD Special Events Unit at 213-928-9579.

Contact Information
Contact: 213-978-7694 or email at

Nuisance Abatement

The Real Estate Services Division(RES)  coordinates Nuisance Abatement activities on the following types of properties:

  • Decommissioned and vacant City owned buildings
  • Vacant City owned land

Nuisance abatement services are restricted by funding to boarding, fencing, weed abatement, trash removal, homeless encampment clean-up and graffiti removal.

To report an issue with a City owned vacant property, contact RES at (213) 922-8500 and ask for the Nuisance Abatement Coordinator. 

Please be prepared to provide the following information:

  • Address of property or Assessor Parcel No. (APN) if you know it
  • Description of issue
  • Photographs if possible
  • Name and contact number for follow-up

Asset Management System

The Asset Management System (AMS) was implemented in 2017 to provide an integrated solution to manage the City’s multi-million dollar owned and leased portfolio on a single platform.

The AMS is comprised of several modules including property, leasing, building operations and maintenance, and space.

It also leverages mobile devices for maintenance technicians in the field to receive and respond to work orders in real time, eliminating the need for paper work orders and timecards. 

Additionally, the AMS has a customer service tool called the GSD Service Portal.  City employees can request maintenance services in City facilities maintained by GSD.  The public can also access the Portal to view information about surplus City property or request use of certain City properties for filming or community events.

Property Module
  • Contains data for more than 9,000 City owned properties and parcels for Council-controlled and proprietary departments
  • Data such as grant deeds, square footage, and Council files continues to be added to provide more reporting capability using categories such as property type or use
  • Property information Link: (In Construction)
Leasing Module
  • Users can view lease data for approximately 255 payable and receivable leases, including non-profits
  • Alerts Real Estate staff of upcoming renewals, tracks key dates and other critical lease provisions
Building Operations and Maintenance Modules
  • Operations and Maintenance – Provides a paperless, mobile work order system which allows technicians to receive and respond to work orders in the field electronically.  Over 34,000 repair tickets are completed annually.
  • Asset Management – Tracks maintenance records, warranty information, pictures and other data on more than 33,000 building and equipment assets such as HVAC systems and chillers.
  • Preventive Maintenance (PM) – Manages and schedules PM work orders for Building Maintenance Division and includes check points to ensure those assets are functioning properly. Corrective work orders are then generated as needed. Over 40,000 PMs are completed annually.
  • Environmental Health and Safety – This module tracks the types and quantities of hazardous materials, such as refrigerant used in HVAC systems, facilitates reporting needs for regulatory agencies and reduces risks associated with such items.

Space Management

When loaded with accurate floor plan information, this module will track usage information by floor, building, tenant, department, vacant spaces or other spacial criteria necessary for space management projects.

GSD Service Portal

The GSD Service Portal, at is a customer service web-based tool available to City employees which can be used to request maintenance and repair work at GSD maintained City facilities by selecting from the following tiles or applications for the service required:

  • Plumbing
  • Electrical
  • Concrete, Fencing and Welding
  • Elevators, Escalators and Lifts
  • Carpentry
  • Appliances (such as refrigerators and dryers)
  • Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
  • Outdoors (such as graffiti or a broken bench)
  • Sign and Paint
  • Keys and Locks
  • Pest Control

The public and City employees can also use the GSD Service Portal to request and download information about the City’s surplus property inventory; submit requests or inquiries about City-owned filming locations; and submit scheduling requests for community events and rallies at specified City facilities.

gsd service portal

Check Out These Helpful Documents

Contact Information
For more information, contact the AMS Administrator at:

Contact Us

111 E. First St., Room 201 
Los Angeles, CA 90012 

Main Number (213) 922-8500
Fax# (213) 922-8511

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